First word: Baba (then mama)
Early words:1. Lela (from Apek's song Aspalela - thanks to her aunties!)
2. Gijah (a corruption of elephant in Malay)
3. Cuti (holidays)
4. Todak (spearfish - a corruption of box - kotak)
Yes words:1. Nak (I want it!)
2. Biar lerr (Let me do it)
3. Takpe (It's okay)
No words:1. Nanak (I don't want it)
2. NOOOOO! (followed by a loud cry)
Good words:1. A-kum (assalamu'alaykum - when entering house)
2. Aa-kebar (Allahu Akbar)
3. Laa-laah (La ilaha illaLlah)
Friends words:1. Aa-iq (Faiq - cousin)
2. Kakaya (Sister Farihah - cousin, Faiq's elder sister)
3. Aa-sar (Aisar - cousin)
Family words:1. Aa-man (Aiman - her younger brother)
2. Baba (father), also Yang (darling, copied from her mum)
3. Mama (mama), also mek (copied from her aunties & others)
4. Ayoh (grandpa, her mum's papa)
5. Nini or Ani, Syasya or Sya, Tan or Pin-tan, Ana (her four aunties)
Usual words:1. Ash (I want ice - give me ice!)
2. Tumpah ke? (did I drop the water?- of course after she dropped it)
3. Sakit ke? (does it hurt? - when someone cried "ouch" near her)
Best word: Aa Baba (I love Baba!)